
2024-01-16 05:20:02 12





大家应该了解的是雅思口语考试part1中考官提出的问题基本都是随机的,因此从整体备考以及考试的角度而言,大家想取得好成绩那么需要更好的准备part1。本文分享了雅思口语part1如何准备。雅思口语part1如何准备一,everyday vocabulary, 即日常词汇,日常表达的使用。在不同话题、不同领域,所使用的词汇、短语表达是不是地道,是考官十分看重的。雅思口语part1如何准备二, basic grammar,基础语法。这并非表示大家在part1中不去使用复杂结构,但请考生们要保证自己的基本语法结构,比如主谓宾,主谓双宾,主系表,there be 句型,这些基本的信息需要用好并且用的合适。基于这两个方面,考生们的part1中的表达必须要坚持有一个相对固定的结构。例如,考官提出问题以后先说什么,后说什么都必须有清晰明了。通过剑桥官方、BC与有的退休雅思考官的经验介绍能够了解,雅思口语part1中比较关键的是同学们在答案中需要给出主要信息,相当于是对考官问题的直接回答——direct answer。在direct answer后请务必对话题进行拓展。大家也许会有各种方法进行雅思口语考试答题,但各种方法都不能离开这两个根本性的元素。 在此之上,在结构作答里一定要在表达方式上有亮点,比较容易得分的是topic specific vocabulary。这个词汇一般用在特定话题下。例如帽子,不同的帽子怎么说也很重要。之所以强调topic specific vocabulary 主要是由于在近两年雅思口语话题一步一步在细化,原来的话题是空泛的,比如shopping、fashion。上文整理了雅思口语part1如何准备的内容,期望考生们可以去认真阅读文章里的内容,若是还想要再了解有关这方面的信息,可以点击咨询上海环球青藤官方网站。


雅思听力对于词汇的熟悉度是一种考验,所以同学们在听听力的时候,更要注重听清楚每一个单词,那么接下来就和来看看雅思听力经常出现的单词有哪些?希望对你有帮助!Listening situation: social events (section 2)雅思听力 section 2 中经常会考到一些社会事件,比如说会议、展览、节日等。参加这些社会活动就需要通过网站、单页、通知版、广告等来了解活动的信息、日程安排、主题等详细信息。一些大型会议和活动学生是可以选择参加的,而且还提供住宿和餐饮,一切都只需要在注册的时候声明并且缴纳相应的费用即可。Events: Convention, exhibition, conference, festival, expositionExamples: Australian retailers’ convention, art exhibition, business conference, summer music festival, drama festival, travel exposition, world expo, cartoon exhibition, flower exhibition, auto showPublicity: website/internet, leaflets, flyers, notice board, posters, advertisements, good for a family, children, adult, senior citizensTransportation: bus, taxi, cab, subway, tube, coach, parking problemsAgenda: dates, timetableFocus/theme: music/live music, art, ballet, clothes, drama, food, business, demonstration, comics, flower arrangement, biscuitsCelebration: parade, dance, chorus, music bandCatering: café, restaurant, pub, cafeteria, canteen, refectory, dining room, refreshments, snacks, takeout, takeaway, set lunch, barbecueSecurity: security entrance, security office, security personnel/staff, fire exit, lockers, Check ID, video surveillance, cameras, crowded, children easily get lostListening situation: environment (section 2/4)这类单词肯定是大家感觉到比较专业和难于掌握的,并不是需要学员们全部记忆下来,但起码要做到对发音和中文意思比较敏感,这样才会对全文的听力内容有一个较好的把握。否则就好像是听到了科普类文章一样,茫然不知所措,进而导致完全放弃。atmosphere: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Ozone, sulphur monoxidepollution: air pollution, acid rain, contaminated water, pollutant, contaminant, chemicals, toxic wasteGeographical: soil erosion, desertification, drought, floods, overfishing, over-felling, deforestationenergy: fossil fuels, coal, gas, petroleum, solar, tide, wind power, nuclear, marsh gas, methane, biogasrecycling: plastic, paper, glass, bottle tops, ink cartridges, spare parts/componentsListening situation: repair (section 1)这个场景主要是购物或者租房子后发现有一些这样那样的问题,物体的型号、主要的问题、需要什么时间来修理、有没有质保、替换还是退款等都会是很重要的考点。雅思听力还是非常实用的,能让我们提前预习到在国外会碰到的场景,帮我们了解外国人处理一些事情的流程和规则。What to repair: fridge, refrigerator, washing machine, CD player, electric light, clock, bungalow, cooker, rice cooker, printer (shelf), Model type/numberMain problem: leaking, door broken, flashing, hands broken, noisy, fan broken, steam escapingWhen to repair: immediately, straight away, right now, urgent, next week, weekdays, weekends, in a couple of weeks, mornings, afternoons (am pm)Quality warranty: expiry date, quality guaranteed for two yearsCompensation: refund, replacementPayment: cash, cheque, credit card, bank transferListening situation: diet and health (section 4)饮食和健康不但是现在人们越来越关心的问题,也会是雅思听力考试中永恒不变的主题。在 Section 4 中经常出现关于健康饮食和生活方式的探讨。与此同时,听力中关于一些疾病的原因和治疗也都跟此有着密切的联系。我想 Heart disease, chronic illness, diabetes, obesity,high blood pressure 等疾病大家已经并不陌生了。Food intake/elements: protein, vitamins, fat, carbohydrates, fat acid, calcium, cholesterol, minerals, calorie, kilocaloriediet: cereals, sugar, salt, lean meat, eggs, fish, milk, vegetables, fruit, red meat, white meatcereals: wheat, corn, barley, oat, maize, ricehealth: low nutrition, malnutrition, overweight, obese, underweight, intelligence, eyesight, brain, learning difficulty, digestion, congestion, heart disease, tuberculosisPhysical exercises: running, jogging, swimminglistening situation: medicine (section 1 )这个场景每年都会进行几次考查,重点要明确各种关于医生、治疗、疾病、药物、手术、医院的英文表达方式,以及弄清楚西方国家的医疗体系和看病流程。比如说 family doctor 这个概念在中国几乎是不存在的,但是在西方的社区里非常普遍。怎样注册一个家庭医生,他们看病怎样收费等都是我们应该去了解的。在国外某些地区,如果没有注册家庭医生,很可能出现一些急症没有医生来看的情况。doctors: physician, surgeon, dentist, veterinarian, pediatrician, therapist, general practitionertreatments: cure, remedy, therapy, acupuncture,diseases: headache, toothache, backache (back pain), stomachache, heart disease, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diabetes, insomnia, asthma, employment medical, sprain, sports injury, sprained kneemedicine: antibiotics, penicillin, aspirin, sleeping pills (tablets), painkillers, dose, underdose, overdose, ice pack, walking stickssurgery: operationhospital: clinics, ward, maternity, emergency, surgery, practicelistening situation: library (section 1/4)图书馆是雅思听力中经久不衰的场景之一!大家应该把握住图书馆的基本布局和功能、完整的借阅流程、以及图书馆所藏的素材。除了上课以外,图书馆应该是学生待的时间最长的地方了。国外的书籍价格还是比较高的,尤其是一些专业书籍,所以图书馆比较受欢迎也就理所应当了。registration: information desk, information sector, librarian desk,registration fee, membership feeID documents: passport, visa, student card, library card, driver’s license, credit card, bank statement, phone bill, Identity card, C.V. letter,Library card, borrower’s card, reader’s card, electronic card, PIN, passwordBooks: fiction, reference books, technical books, leisure books, notion, academicPeriodicals: magazines, journals Current issues, back issuesTechnical Resources: photocopying machine, photocopier, color, white and black photocopier, printer, laser printer, card, coin, internet access, computers, laptopsElectronic, digital: CD, DVD, VCD, videos, tapes, cassettes, CD-ROMRecall system: catalogue (title, author, press, category) , call slip, librarianCirculation: borrow, loan, return, renew, overdue, fine, reserveLoan time: weeks, months (up to 4 weeks, maximum loan time)Training classes: research methods, IT, computer software, dissertation writingListening situation: job hunting (section 1/2)边上学边打工是很多学生的普遍生活方式,一方面可以贴补生活费用,另一方面可以增加社会经验和扩大朋友圈。如果有机会进入一些大公司当实习生的话必将对未来的工作有很大的帮助。以下是雅思找工作场景中经常考查的细节点,大家要注意哦!Type of work: vacation jobs, office work, bar attendant, waiter, waitress, zoo attendant, childcare, library assistant, restaurant work, shop assistant, sales assistant, domestic work, reporter, carpenter, freelance, part-time job, full-time job, temporary jobMain roles: receptionist, shop assistant, looking after animals (kangaroo), educate visitors, save wounded/injured animals, maintain website, selling garden tools/carpets, handle customer complaintAdvantages and disadvantages: pay, working hours, workload, flexible, equipment, transportationWorking hours: am pm weekdays (during the week), weekends,bank holidays, public holidays, New year, ChristmasPay rate: pound/dollar per hour, starting salary, wageClothes: formal clothes, suit, informal clothes, casual clothes shirt, trousers, tie, bow tie, uniformTransportation: bus, train, subway, tube, metro, taxi, cabMagazine reporters: housing magazine, entertainment magazine, sports magazine, economy magazine, IT magazineListening situation: shopping在剑桥雅思中有出现过对比几家商店或者品牌的产品的优缺点,进而得出一个综合评价并给出买或不买的最终建议的听力场景。今年的听力考试里,以下这些词也出现过很多次。Price: discount, concession, promotion, sales, half price, normal price, 30% offPackaging: economy package, family package, container, image, presentation of productsWhere to buy: supermarket, market, shop, store, department store, chain store, online shoppingReceipt: invoice, quality warranty, receiptSupermarket: entrance (profitable), middle shelf (expensive), end of aisles (hard to move), quieter places ( need time to think about)


雅思口语part1中主打--喜好类的问题,可以分别从三个角度出发来回答问题。分别是,1.举例子;2.感受;3顺延。下面环球青藤将为各位雅思考生带来如何回答雅思口语中喜好类的问题。同样一个问题,三个角度出发。例如,Do you like looking at the sky?”从“1举例子”的角度,来回答:Yep, I enjoy watching the sky. Say, I sometimes look at the sky standing on the balcony of my apartment. Sometimes I may look at the sky at open space in parks.从“2.感受”的角度,来回答:Definitely yes. I’m really into looking at the sky from time to time. It makes me feel pleased and delighted. Whenever I am in blue, I would look at the glamorous sky to put all sorrow behind me.从“3顺延”的角度,来回答:Absolutely. I often watch the sky. Coz watching the sky after hours of concentration on work does good people’s eyes. Plus it can help people reduce pressure.随着雅思考试的低龄化,我觉得部分同学大的问题是感受这一块。觉得每个问题都很boring。没有感受,完全没有想法。近教的同学中,有个叛逆期的美少女。问她Do you like reading?的时候,她的回答是中文夹杂着英文,一脸茫然的说“我觉得reading很boring啊”。再问她Do you like looking at the sky?, 她问“看天?那多boring啊”。于是她的感受里多的词只有一个,那就是boring。 还有一种同学,喜欢在回答的问题谈感受的时候,先过中文,再逐字翻译英文。问她小时候收到礼物的时候的感受,她首先立即想到的一句话就是“高兴地跳起来”,于是经过她的逐字翻译,便成了“I am very happy, so I jump”。有点语感的人,都自然会觉得这句话的别扭之处。所以我们老师在教学的过程当中。对于种学生,首先是思路以及情感上的逐渐引导。尽量先从她感兴趣的话题问起。比如说shopping的感受啊,对于收集各种各样high-heels的感受啊,和喜欢的人一起enjoy dinner的感受啊,等等。这时候她可能会张口,来一些“happy,excited”之类的词汇。然后我们就可以来到第二歩,并且也针对第二种喜欢逐字翻译的同学,给他们一个“方向类”的感受的词汇了。比如说你开心的时候,开心,很棒,很爽,高兴地跳起来,都是在表达正面方向的意思,于是这些感受,我们可以来个大统归。除了happy,“pleased, delighted, joyful, awesome,be wild with joy, feel on top of the world”可能都可以是她们的选择。 当表示心情不好的时候,抑郁的时候,痛苦的时候,都可以用这类负面方向的词汇,例如“be in blue, frustrated, depressed, puzzled”诸如此类词汇。 以上就是环球名师陈哲给大家带来的如何回答雅思口语中喜好类的问题。如需了解更多雅思培训的相关信息,欢迎拨打环球青藤的免费咨询热线400-060-9663进行咨询,或者点击环球青藤网站页面的“在线咨询”与环球青藤名师直接对话。


雅思口语的三部分令广大考生感到困扰,因为Part3题目复杂,要想得并不容易,因此,口语考Part3成为了很多雅思考生们难跨的坎。今天雅思外教一对一老师就教大怎么解答Part3,让大轻松跨越这个坎。环球青藤老师为大推荐一个有效的方法——题型分析法,雅思口语Part3有9大常见题型,每个题型都有对应的关键词,同学们只要掌握了关键词就能迅速辨别Part 3对应的题型,然后对号入座,在有限的时间内作出有效的思考,使答案不会偏离大方向,也避免了考生东拉西扯跑题的尴尬场面。以下将选取5种题型为考生们进行详细的讲解。1. Contrast(对比题)这种题型考察的是考生能否对两类不同的人物或者事物作出多角度、全方位的分析。这类考题的经典问法为“what do you think about the differences between A and B ?”所以,大多数情况下,只要抓住“difference”这个关键字,也就几乎可以把这类问题归纳在对比类的题型之内了。对比类题型的答法我们称之为对比经典四部曲:1). introduction(答案的开头句)2). A的特点3). B的特点4). example(举一个具体的例子去解释A和B之间的差异)或者我们也可以使用另外一种思路:1). introduction(答案的开头句)2). A的特点+example3). B的特点+example4). reason(具体解释一下产生A和B之间差异的原因)以“攒钱购物”的Part 3考题“what do you think are the differences between shopping in rural areas and shopping in urban areas?”为例,根据关键字的判断,我们很快就可以把该题归纳为对比类的题目,所以所需要思考的就是“城里购物”的特点和“乡下购物”的特点。根据答题的套路,很快就可以组织答案:Shopping in rural areas and shopping in urban areas are quite different. When shopping in the urban areas we can go to the shopping center or department stores, which means plenty of choices and good quality but higher prices. However, if you shopping in the countryside, you may have fewer choices but you also cost less. This may because of the different rent and different environment of these two places.2.Analyses(分析题)该题型重点考察考生描述事物的好处和坏处的能力。需要注意的是,分析一件事物的好坏就像老师评价学生一样,通常从好处开始说起,先寻找闪光点,再调侃一下不足之处就可以了。另外,该题型的难点在于要求考生对好处“advantage”和坏处“disadvantage”作出同义替换。例如,好处的同义词为:merit, goodpoint, strong point, strength, positive side, bright side, edge, highlight而坏处的同义替换词为:demerit,drawback, shortcoming, bad point, weak point, weakness, negative side, darkside分析题的答题思路为:1). Introduction2). The first advantage, the secondadvantage3). The first disadvantage, the seconddisadvantage4). Conclusion我们以考题“Describe acity you have visited”的Part 3考题“What are theadvantages of living in the city for families with children? And are theredisadvantages?”为例,这道题很明显的出现了“好”和“坏”,所以我们可以从城市生活的好处开始分析,逐渐转移到“坏处”:Well, when considering about the issueof living in the cities, I would like to start from the bright side. The firsthigh light spring to my mind is the convenience that the city can bring. Forexample, city is a perfect place for shopping, where a lot of shopping centerand clothes chain stores are there. What’s more, people live in the city canalso enjoy a better education. However, the merits apparently don’t overshadowits drawbacks. Speaking off the top of my head, living in the cities may alsobe troubled by the bad traffic, especially in the rush hours. Anothershortcoming also reminds is the noise in cities, which may cause decrease thequality of life. I think these are the two side of the same sword.3.Options(选择题)该题型主要考察的是考生能否就给出的选项做出选择并阐释理由。该题型的经典问法为“A or B, whichone do you prefer?”所以,当问题中出现“prefer”, “choose”, “like”之类的关键字,我们可以把这类问题归纳为选择题。在回答选择题的时候,考生可以选择单选,即只选A或者只选B; 也可以选择双选,即认为A和B缺一不可。这类题的答题思路如下:1). make a selection(选A或者选B)2). The advantage of A, and thedisadvantage of B3). Another advantage of A, andanother disadvantage of B4). Conclusion来看一道例题,“Please describean intelligent person you know”的Part 3的一道考题为:Do you thinkthe highly intelligent children should go to normal school or special school? 根据上述答题思路,我们可选择双选的思路:From my perspective of view, thehighly intelligent children should go to normal school, and also get specialtraining from the special school. Studying in normal school can give the childa full range of education. Besides, the highly intelligent children would beconfident in normal school. While the special school also has its own edges thatit can arouse the potential of the highly intelligent children. Therefore, bothof them are indispensable.4.Solutions(解决方案题)该题型考察考生能否在特定的情景下给出相应的解决方案的能力。一般经典的问题句型为“Faced to thecurrent situation, can you remember some effective ways to deal with the problem?”解决问题,需要注意的同义替换为“solve”, “cope with”,“handle”之类的,所以当考生听到上述这些敏感词汇的时候,该把这种问题归纳为解决方案题。这种题型的答题思路为:1). Introduction2). From the government’s perspective,……3). From the inpidual’s perspective,……4). Conclusion我们以“Describe abeautiful place where you want to have a home”(安之地)的Part 3题为例,“Can yousuggest any ways to restrict the growth of cities?”,根据上述思路,我们可以这样从政府和个人两个方面去思考:Well, based on the current situation,I think there might be some effective method to deal with it. From thegovernment’s perspective, some regulations and rules should be carried out;such as coming up with some politics to attract some rural areas people stay attheir original places and educate the public not rush to the cities blindly. Asfar as the inpiduals are concerned, we should follow the government’sdecision and cooperate with the government. So these are the possible methodsto cope with the issue.5.Meaning(意义题)Meaning这个词被很多考生乍一看以为是考察含义的意思,其实不然,该题型考察的是事物的重要性,即描述一件事物的意义。面对需要讲出某件事物的重要性的考题,考生如果从正面出击,往往会觉得无从下手。所以,这里推荐一个比较有效的方法去阐述一件事物的重要性,即反例法,即从反面论证一件事物的重要性。我们以“Describe aplace you went and learned about another culture”异地文化这题的Part 3问题为例,“How do youthink the importance of culture?”,通过举反例“假如对文化一无所知会怎么样?”,来论证文化的重要性。The possible answer:Well, culture really plays asignificant role in our everyday life. Take me as an example, I am a studentwho planned to further study abroad. If I know nothing about the foreignculture, I think it will be difficult for me to survive in the foreignenvironment and I will come across some culture shocks. Therefore, whenconsidering these circumstances, it is necessary to learn about anotherculture.


雅思口语对于雅思备考的同学来讲都是一个不小的难点。雅思口语考试评分标准详细的介绍了口语分得分点,所以考生有必要去了解它们,同时还要知道一下part3的难点所在,因为这部分的难度是特别大的。雅思口语part3相对来说是特别难的,它能够真实的反应一个烤鸭的水平如何,如果想要考取口语的更高的分,那么大一定要有攻克这一块的能力,目前有一个办法就是去了解雅思口语考评分标准,然后再去了解这部分的难点,之后再去针对难点对症下药。下面小编给大家分享关于雅思口语part3的考试难点的相关内容,希望可以帮到正在雅思备考的同学。雅思口语part3难点难点一口语考Part3不存在题库问题,任何一个general and abstract question related samet opicin Part2都有可能出现在Part3,所以这是它难的1点。难点二2个难点在于,有些学生会发现,在口语考中,“考官今天好像在怼我”为什么呢?他说“考官都不让我把话讲完。”不让讲完,也就是说Part3存在另外一个很常见的现象是"打断"。“打断”有两个常见的套路就是,先考官会不同意你的观点,其次考官会去追问你的观点。其实大会发现,这是一个跟日常生活会话比较接近的模式,你并不会提前知道你二天要跟对方聊什么,所以会比较考验大临场反应以及真实的语言水平。

雅思口语范文onlinn shopping

两分钟的那个吗?我自己读了一下,才一分钟,你可以加点优缺点If we talking about changes. I would like to take shopping as an example. U know, traditional shopping means people have 2 go to the real store. However, it changed due to the development of technology and the enhancing of personal computer. Therefore, every people or family has chances to shopping online, to purchase items from a virtual store or websites. Although they can’t touch or feel the item, which they wanna purchase, but it shorterns time. What’s more People dosen’t need to go outside, face some unexpected situation, such as traffic jam or horrible weather. They can stay @ home, enjoy air condition maybe, and search products that they want.


Online shopping is now replacing shopping in store. Do you think it is positive or negative development?雅思写作话题指导题目讲解利弊讨论提问标志:Do you think it is positive or negative development?作家立场:网络购物利大于弊,如何扬长避短。首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场:二段:利好的展开:三段:弊端的展开:尾段:再次亮明观点 + 总结理由雅思写作参考范文:Such is nature to own what our hearts desire that is why many modern people like to spend their hardly earned money on their favorite goods. The contrivance of the Internet has profoundly revolutionized modern people’s option of consumption in many aspects. People have been debating the pros of cons of on-line shopping without reaching any definite agreement. Personally speaking, the merits of shopping on line prevail over its possible demerits.这就是拥有我们内心渴望的天性,这就是为什么许多现代人喜欢把他们几乎不赚钱的钱花在他们最喜欢的商品上。互联网的发明在许多方面深刻地革新了现代人的消费选择。人们一直在讨论网上购物的利弊,却没有达成任何明确的协议。就个人而言,在网上购物的好处胜过了它可能的缺点。Seen from the positive aspects, many benefits could be gained by selecting and buying our favorites on line. The most glaring merit is that on-line shopping not only surmounts the geographical barrier,economizes great amounts of time, but also improves the flexibility of consumption. In this sense, those who select on-line shopping have more time to embark on more worthwhile things such as focusing on working or building up physique. Another advantage coming from on-line consumption is that it adds spice to our dull routine of daily life. A case in point is that a lot of fashionable ladies take pleasure in browsing various on-line shops, comparing different prices and bargaining with the owners of on-line shops. They usually end up buying their desirable goods. Last,on-line shopping will exert a beneficial influence on one’s financial budget due to the fact that on-line shops, in most cases, do not need to rent spacious places or employing many salesgirls, therefore, the price of on-line merchandise is, comparatively speaking, economical and reasonable, which indicates that we can buy more desirable goods even though we are hard-pressed for money.


I usually go shopping in big shopping malls, as I think the goods of every description are available there . I don’t like small stores because I am not sure where the goods come from and I am not good at bargaining.

求雅思口语Part2:Shopping center范文,以及Part3可能问答

escribe a shop or shopping center. You should say:Where it is?What it sells?How often you go there, and why?Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.1. a) The High Mall shopping center is well known in the city of Shenyang.b) If you have been here for some time, you have probably been there.2. a) It is situated at 217 Long Street, opposite the public library.b) When traveling from Government Square, you should take bus no. 242, and it will take you there.3. a) It is what is called a ‘one-stop’ shopping mall.b) It means I am able to do most of my shopping in one center at the same time.There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about the “High Mall”. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.4. a) The High Mall contains a wide variety of shops and stores.b) For example, there is a large department store that sells almost anything, a Mac Donald’s outlet, a jeweler, and so on.5. a) It has a good security system, so I always feel save there.b) For instance there are many security officers on duty, looking out for robbers and so on.6. a) Secondly, it is a nice place to kill some time in the evenings or on weekends.b) One can spend hours browsing through the shops, or sit in a restaurant, have something to drink, and watch the crowds.Those are some thoughts on my favorite shopping center.part 3why are there a lot of big stores?what are the main differences between small stores and big stores when you go shopping?do you think small stores will disappear in the future?what do you think is the best way to advertise?what are the differences between men and women when they go shopping?what do you think of on-line shopping?what do you think of the use of credit card?








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